Thursday, February 23, 2006

on the other hand

It seems that, whatever rights of women to control their own bodies hang in the balance here, what is at stake most immediately is the 2006 midterm elections and the republican control of congress. These states that are sending their measures tot he Supreme Court are counting on the Alito and Roberts shift in the court to give them what they want. None of this is definitely certain and, if the court were to overturn these precidents, it will be obvious what the rest of us are up against.

If they support the precidents, however, the hundreds of senators and congresspeople who ran on the ticket of getting the courts packed to do the bidding of the right wing base will have most of their support evaporate. Actually in either case, unless they manufacture another sensational scandal to protect people from, there will be little for them to run on. They will have already delivered. This is not to say that Democrats or left wing representatives have any better chance since they still don't seem to have any coherent plan. But in purely political terms, either way this seems to be the kind of thing that will either hurt or do nothing for the party in power and, if anyone is paying attention, it will likely have the former effect. Here's hoping anyway.

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