Wednesday, March 03, 2004

MSNBC - Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind

BANG! Here's one for the books--White House kept the "war on terrorism" from catching a terrorist ("Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant with ties to al-Qaida, is now blamed for more than 700 terrorist killings in Iraq") who's now killing our troops in Iraq because they wanted to send our troops to Iraq (and get killed by terrorists) and they thought killing this guy would weaken the case for war. So instead of carrying out any of the plans the Pentagon made (from June 2002 on) to go after this guy in his weapons lab operating in N. Iraq, the White House sat on it and made Saddam into the bad guy. Now we've got Saddam but we're getting killed. I think maybe we went after the wrong guy. Too bad this won't make the headlines.

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