Friday, June 11, 2004

ABC news is using coverage commentary to assure americans that the rest of the world is feeling our patriotism with us because they are seeing our ceremony. There are some really money quotes here that are exceptional in their nationalism: that people around the world are watching our state funeral and experiencing our grief with us (qua 9/11) and therefore improving our tarnished image abroad is stunning in its ideological coherence. It is an absurd line of reasoning, but one that they parrot willingly--along with Terry Moran who claims that the affinity people have for the US in eastern europe is the result of reagan's policy. Within just a few minutes, all of the talking heads said just this, over and over. It may have a certain reasonableness in the context, but that doesn't make it any more laughable--especially because they seem to believe it. It is a strange way to reassure people to claim the continued love of America around the world is inspired by someone as controversial as Reagan. On the other hand, he was far less blunt an instrument than the current president. It is odd to think of reagan as nuanced, but I guess everything is relative.

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