Monday, August 16, 2004

The New York Times > Opinion > About That Iraq Vote

A very good editorial in the NYT which takes Kerry to task not because he has changed his mind, but because he doesn't seem willing to give us the long version of that story, instead trying to justify earlier positions based on the logic and evidence of the present. My favorite point in the editorial though, which I made in an essay I have yet to type up, is that

"The Republicans have made much of this record; the Kerry campaign is haunted by replays of the theme song from the old TV show "Flipper." Mr. Bush, however, has a far more dangerous pattern of behavior. On issues from tax cuts to foreign policy, the president tends to stick stubbornly to his original course even when changing events cry out for adaptation. His explanations seem to evolve every day, but his thinking never does."

It would be nice to have a leader who was capable of complex thought. He wouldn't have to use it everyday, just in times of crisis or when the future of the country and/or the world relies upon it.

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