Friday, September 02, 2005

Bush: 'Results are not acceptable'e

No shit, sherlock.

His bumbling attempt at a reassuring press conference made him look like a scared kid. He keeps talking about food and water "on its way." If people weren't dying and killing each other, this sort of incompetence would be farcical. You need supplies to a region fast: okay let's send them by BOAT! Great idea! Like it's the 19th-frigging-century! He has flown back and forth around the country over the past few days: you'd think it would occur to him--or someone--that, perhaps, a faster mode of transport might be necessary, something that could bring the supplies from the other side of the country, from all sides of the country in a matter of hours instead of days. Have there been any inventions in the past century that might improve upon the speed of the "floatilla?" Perhaps the "truck" or the "airplane" might be more efficient for speeding immediate help to the region, with reinforcements coming by sea. Jeez a wagon train from west Texas would be there by now! My only conclusion can be that the reason we have no airplanes or trucks filled with supplies and troops to get to them is that they are all tied up in a quagmire thousands of miles away. This gives me absolutely no confidence in the federal government or in the leadership of this president. It also makes me think that the best course of action is to make sure if something like this happens here I am ready to take "personal responsibility" myself. When I go to sleep wondering how I could defend my apartment building from looters it is a sad day for American society--from top to bottom--if we can even venture to call something as rotton and disfunctional as what is happening in New Orleans "society."

update...reporters loosing their cool--finally!

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